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yield curve 【經濟學】利率曲線〔在一張曲線圖上標出兌現期從3個月到3...

yield management

And there has been no lack of explanation of why this is the case . the often quoted impediments include the lack of clearing and settlement infrastructure , the absence of a broad institutional investor base , the lack of a benchmark yield curve , low liquidity , and so on 有關導致這現象的種種原因,我們都聽了許多,其中最常為人詬病的包括:缺乏結算交易的基建設施機構投資者基礎狹小未確立基準收益率曲線流動性低等。

We engineered a market - making system to ensure liquidity in the secondary market and efficiency in price determination , leading to the establishment of a reliable benchmark yield curve for the whole spectrum of maturity in the paper from the very short end to ten - year 我們引入市場莊家制,以確保外匯基金票據及債券在二手市場有一定的流動性及有效厘定價格,藉此為最短期限以至10年期的債券建立了可靠的基準收益率曲線。

Besides the construction methods of the yield curve of the treasury securities , this paper also investigates the dynamic yield curve , making an empirical study on the dynamics of the yield curve in two periods by the method of principal components analysis 除了研究國債收益率曲線的構造方法外,論文還對動態國債收益率曲線進行了研究,采用主成分分析法對中國國債收益率曲線在兩個時期的動態性進行了實證分析。

Interest income and investment gains of hk 67 . 8 billion on the bond portfolio , aided by the strategic positioning of the exchange fund along the yield curve of the us treasuries and the buy - back of us treasuries by the us government , which buoyed bond prices ; and 來自債券組合的利息收入及投資收益億港元,主要受惠于外匯基金參照美國國庫券收益率曲線作策略性部署,以及美國政府回購美國國庫券令債券價格上揚及

The dynamic plastic response for a pinned rigid plastic beam subjected to an arbitrary impulsive distributed load was investigated . the effect of strain hardening and strain rate sensitivity was ignored . the yielding curve was assumed to be rectangular 采用剛塑性假定,忽略應變強化效應和應變率的效應并考慮由于有限變形而導致的軸力的影響,研究任意時間歷程沖擊載荷作用下簡支梁的塑性動力響應問題。

A benchmark yield curve for hong kong dollar debt is thus created in the process , together with an advanced market infrastructure , comprising a market making system and a debt clearing system that is linked to the real time payment system 外匯基金票據及債券發行計劃一直發展,漸漸形成港元債券的基準收益率曲線,并輔之以先進的市場基礎設施,包括市場莊家制度以及與即時支付系統聯網的債券結算系統。

And it was not just a matter of bringing supply to the market to meet demand . we developed a benchmark yield curve , a market - making system and a sophisticated market infrastructure , including a paperless clearing and custodian system 此外,在這方面我們并不純粹是滿足了市場需求便了事,更逐漸發展出基準收益率曲線市場莊家制度及先進的市場基建,其中包括無紙化結算及托管系統。

With levels of equity volatility staying relatively low and a marginally steeper us yield curve , appetite for riskier and cyclical asset classes continued , allowing the msci asia ex - japan to rise 3 . 42 % ( in usd terms ) 股市波動相對穩定,美國債券收益率曲線又變得陡峭,市場對高風險、周期性資產的興趣有增無減,摩根士丹利資本國際亞洲(日本除外)指數上漲了3 . 42 % (以美元計) 。

It is the basis of oas to construct zero coupon yield curve and define interest rate term factors model . the key of oas is to select a kind of interest rate scenario simulation and evaluation methodology fitting abs / mbs 其中,零息票收益曲線的構造和利率期限因素模型的定義是期權調整利差法的基礎;選擇適合資產抵押支持證券的利率情景模擬技術和估價技術是其關鍵。

We have also established a reliable benchmark yield curve for hong kong dollar debt of up to ten - year maturity to assist private sector issuers in their pricing and built an efficient , paperless debt clearing system for the market as a whole 年期港元債券建立了可靠的基準收益率曲線,有助私營發債體定價,并為整體債市設立有效率及無紙化的債券結算系統。可能由于

Because of the positively sloping hong kong dollar yield curve , and the tendency of the yield margin over us treasuries to rise along the curve , the increasing proportion of longer paper tended to incur higher interest costs 由于港元收益率曲線向上傾斜,而且與美國國庫券的收益率差距也隨年期上升有擴闊趨勢,長期外匯基金債券的比例增加會令利息成本增加。

In a word , because the cubic interpolation is superior to the other two methods , we should use the cubic interpolation for construction of zero - yield curve and for evaluation of the irdp as far as possible 總之,立方插值法優于其他兩種插值方法。因此,在構造零息收益曲線,或為利率衍生產品進行定價時;應盡可能地使用立方插值法。

This tightening drove up the short - end of the us treasury yield curve . however , the long - end of the curve remained largely steady as the higher energy prices apparently did not trigger any inflation expectation 收緊貨幣政策促使美國短期國庫券收益率上升,但由于能源價格上漲似乎并無觸發通脹預期,因此長期國庫券收益率大致維持穩定。

Perhaps they are catching up with the mood in the bond markets , where the inverted yield curve ( in which short rates are higher than long rates ) has , many believe , for months been pointing to a slowdown 也許債市情緒開始反映到商品市場中,債市的收益率曲線倒掛(短期收益率高于長期收益率)現象已經出現數個月,這預示著經濟放緩。

The programme facilitates the development of the local debt market . it increases the supply of high quality hong kong dollar paper and establishes a reliable benchmark yield curve for hong kong dollar debt 該計劃可促進本地債務市場的發展,增加高質素港元債券的供應,以及確立可靠的港元債券基準收益率曲線。

Based on a yield function put forward by zhou weixian , pure shear yield curves can be obtained indirectly using six simple compression experiments , when pure shear experiments can ' t be finished 基于周維賢提出的屈服函數,針對無法進行純剪切試驗的情況,可以采用六個簡單壓縮試驗間接地確定純剪切屈服曲線。

Exchange fund bills and notes serve as instruments for monetary management as well as to broaden and deepen the hong kong debt market by providing a benchmark yield curve 香港推出外匯基金票據與債券,作為貨幣管理的一種工具,同時也提供基準收益率曲線,促進了本地債券市場深度和廣度的發展。

At the longer end of the yield curve , there was a noticeable compression in the spread between the yields of the exchange fund paper and us treasuries of corresponding maturities 同業拆息貼近美元水平。長期債券收益率方面,外匯基金票據及債券與同期美國國庫券的收益差距明顯收窄。

A downward - slope yield curve implies that the market expects a decrease in short - term rates ; an upward - sloping yield curve implies that the market expects an increase in short - term rates 下滑的收益曲線表明市場預期短期利率的下降;上滑的收益曲線意味著市場預期短期利率的上升。